Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sad Baby

Ezekiel was sort of an easy baby. I mean, he still cried like babies do and had times when he didn't sleep very much. But on the whole, we knew we were getting it pretty easy. So, when we found out we were expecting baby number two, we generally agreed that we were in for it.

Sadly true.

Lincoln is a very sweet, lovey little guy. But he suffers from all sorts of discomforts and it makes him pretty grouchy most of the time. He wants to feed continuously, sometimes there is only about an hour between hour-long feedings. His little tummy tightens up in pain and he is super gassy. He struggles to sleep during the day and at night. And the crying/screaming/shrieking... He gets so worked up that he breaks out in a cold sweat and his skin breaks out in a rash of bumps. We hope he outgrows this all very soon.

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