Thursday, May 26, 2011

Epic Birthday Gift

What is that blur of red?

Trying to free my hands.

I saw in an advertisement years ago and instantly fell in love. What could be better than a sleeping bag that is fitted to your body? You can move your arms and legs and walk, hug, jump, chill by the campfire and sleep in the thing. I LOVE IT. Thanks Robb!


  1. Jess.. you're so hot right now

    Happy Birthday

  2. O my goodness coolest thing ever I want one!!!! the last photo is my favorite lol

  3. You are too cute!!!

  4. Love it! And just think, with that costume, you could be the next superhero! Imagine the headlines, "BagLady swoops in to rescue stranded hikers from certain frostbite..."

  5. You guys are hilarious. Love to you all.
