Monday, June 11, 2012

A Coffee Baby Celebration

The pirate ship that Corren and David assembled. (They claimed the whole thing was held together by only 7 screws.)

Tiny swashbucklers. They had so much fun sword-fighting and running around the ship.

Ezekiel took every opportunity to revisit the dessert table. I don't even know how many chocolates he got his hands on. Then he learned how to use the water dispenser on his own and pretty much had it drained.

Somehow they got Robb to open the presents and David took notes. Perfect!

May I just say that we have some very extraordinary friends? Not only have they been helping and supporting us through our move, but they just threw us the coolest baby shower. The Crawfords, Currents and Terrys worked together to create a pirate party like none other. We had so much fun. Thank you to all of you!

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