Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Track and Field Day

We had this great idea that we might actually be able to get in some running time while hanging out with the boys and all while Robb was on call. The answer was to go to the track at the university and take turns running laps.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

No, but seriously. It almost worked. What we didn't count on is that Zeke and Lincoln would want to run. And that they would be pretty fast (remember I'm comparing them to my own, lackluster performance). They made it around once with Robb. Then half way around with me. Then an incident involving some gravel and a skinned knee. Zeke cried for the next 20 minutes (the time it took for us to round up a band-aid) and then promptly forgot about it. (We will be investing in a first aid kit for the car.)

A quick stop by David's softball game and we called it a night.

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