Friday, April 10, 2015

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

We've been on a mission to purge. Ever since reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, we've been committed to keeping only the things that truly bring us joy. The title is a bit misleading, as it is less about tidying up and more about letting go of the emotional tie we have to objects.

We did a great job plowing through our closets and the kitchen. We've made some headway with the garage and pantry. I've emptied the bathroom cupboards and drawers and done a preliminary run at the books and papers. We still have a ways to go though.

Today's task was the dress-up trunk. We made a huge mess in doing so, but the boys had fun with it. Have you read the book? Did it work for you?

1 comment:

  1. Haven't read the book, but doing a bit of 'purging' of my own. Painful, but refreshing! I just have too much STUFF! I've found that taking a picture of it and keeping that helps me.
