Monday, April 8, 2013


The pro shows us how it's done.

Fire tending is an important part of the day.

Dad shows me how high the new balcony will be.

So, here's the deal; we are putting in a new cabin! Dad told us to find a spot we liked (and suggested a few, of course). We hiked around quite a bit over the weekend, and finally decided that Buster's cabin was already in the perfect spot. Dad and Larry have determined that moving it will be no problem. So, the next step is to clear a view. The guys have been busy at this all morning.

Zeke is pretty excited, because he has watched Dr. Seuss' The Lorax and has been wanted to cut down a tree ever since (I swear I did not plant that idea in his head!). When grandpa felled the first one, Zeke's eyes got super big and he said, "Another one!" We've been teaching him to yell, "Timber!" when the trees fall. Oh, my little logger that will never be...

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