Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bow Tie Boys

Corren and Cheris gave the boys the cutest little bow ties for Christmas. Zeke wore his for the first time last week, but today we put Lincoln's on and dad wore one of his favorites as well. I thought that they looked so cute that I made everyone stop and pose for these pictures before we headed out the door. I'm glad I did, because things got pretty interesting at church and Sabbath school.

Actually, church was great. The baby had a bottle, Ezekiel colored in his coloring book, filled out the children's bulletin and ate some goldfish. And we heard a sermon! We've been hearing only snatches of them for the last few months, so this was a treat.

Then Sabbath school. I took Lincoln to the nursery for the first time and he enjoyed watching Uncle Johannes teach. But he did have a giant spit up all over both of us and got pretty grouchy by the end. Apparently things were much worse over in the next room. Zeke had way too much energy. Robb ended up taking him out in the hallway and running him. That's where I found them.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these pictures of your handsome guys. Frame-able. Btw, we can relate to those challenging Sabbath school moments. :)
