Friday, March 2, 2012

More of the Same

Another day with the sick baby. He only woke up crying once last night and Robb went to get his temperature and calm him down a bit. This morning he seemed fine, but quickly got warmer and and more clingy. And though I absolutely soak in the cuddling time, I hate that he doesn't understand why he feels like he does.

He got to watch as much Curious George as he wanted, but ended up falling asleep on the livingroom floor so I put him in our bed and watched him sleep for a long time. He was making a raspy breathing sound and it was pretty glad we were going to the doctor shortly. However, as soon as we got there and he was out of his car seat, he vomited all over Robb and then again on the car.

The doctor checked his ears and lungs just in case and it seems he just has the flu, so it will be a few more days of throwing up and staying away from other people. Home for the Pedialyte and more cuddling!


  1. So Sorry little EZ is feeling sick...:(..hoping he gets better's so sad to see their little bodies feeling miserable...HOpe you and Robb don't get it..thinking of you guys....TC

  2. Oh so miserable for everyone involved! Hopefully, Zeke is back to feeling normal now (poor little guy) and so are Mommy and Daddy.
