Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ezekiel is Fifteen Months Old

And he's been having a rough day. He has a little head cold and then had to get four shots at his appointment today. Poor little guy just wanted to cuddle for the rest of the day. Which was fine with mommy.

He is now over 32 inches tall and weighs 25 pounds. He also has been figuring out quite a bit of stuff over the last month. He is really perfecting his walking and even tries running a little bit. His babbling is becoming clearer. He copies what we say sometimes, and tonight almost said "kitty". Way to go, Saphira!

He also discovered matchbox cars. He drives them around and makes the sound effects too. And now I find them everywhere—little caches in amongst the books. And Robb found a key and a pen in the dishwasher and a stash of felts in the couch cushions. Then there are the little piles of Cheerios everywhere...

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