Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sabbath with the Crawfords

We enjoyed a super day hanging out with David and Nelita. After some traditional Adventist haystacks for lunch, we indulged in cheesecake with fresh strawberries. Then to walk it off and get some exercise for Sammy (which, of course included long boarding). To top it all off, we attended David's production, The Festival of One Acts. Superb! Check it out if you haven't already.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting Bigger

Eek! This weekend completes 24 weeks and the name that comes to mind when I look in the mirror now is Gigantor.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Loma Linda Weekend

I was so happy to get to spend some time with my beloved Katy (and Erik—he is pretty great as well). On Friday, I got a special visitor's pass and got to sit in on her art class. She had five classes, from first through fifth graders and taught a different project in each class. It was so much fun to be a fly on the wall and observe how Katy manages over thirty kids at a time. At one point, she was running through the lesson objectives, grabbing a band-aid from the first aid kit and answering a multitude of questions all at the same time. Not to mention the lady bug that was distracting one small student and need to be put outside.

During the lunch break we had three little earthquakes. The biggest was a 3.6 that occurred only three miles away, but it was really no more than a rumbling. Finally, it was time to go home and I had a nice long nap. Pregnancy makes me very sleepy. Then over to Malcolm and Hannah's for a yummy home-cooked supper. (BTW, Hannah is the cutest pregnant women ever!)

On Sabbath we sat in the front row of the LLU Church and had a lovely sermon. I even got to see Robert and Eva, though I had to chase them down. Then it was dinner and yet another lovely long nap. I live for those. Though it is the little one's favorite time to start kicking. In the evening we headed out to visit Katy and Erik's new home in Yucaipa. So exciting! I was dying to stay around and help paint and move on Sunday, but my tickets had me departing in the morning, and I also couldn't wait to be back with Robb again.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Photo Shoot

Just wrapped a photo shoot in Southern California! I had about one week to plan the trip and get everything set up, and Robb wasn't terribly excited about my being gone for so long. The shoot was today, but since Katy lives a mere fifteen minutes from the client, I couldn't resist staying on for the weekend.

I was on location by 7:00 a.m. and meeting with the photography crew to establish the shots. The group of eight clients arrived promptly at 8:00 and we finished up with the individual portraits by 9:30. We got to work with Chet Williams, a great photographer who has done quite a bit of work for Loma Linda University lately. I then got to tour both of the client offices, so it was pretty fun to see a logo I'd designed up in gold lettering over the reception desk.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Biggest. Potluck. Ever.

It was so crowded down in the fellowship hall this Sabbath, that I never even made it out of the kitchen for lunch. I think we've had the best turnout ever. In addition to the 60-person visiting choir, we had a multitude of guests and many church members brought more food than I think I've ever seen at one of these potlucks. We even had left-overs (although I never did get to test my double chocolate and walnut cake). Robb and I were washing dishes until nearly 4:00, so were ready for a good nap by then.

If you get the chance, drop in for our next potluck on March 20!