Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Not Our Best Day

This one was a doozie. It all started when Lincoln slipped on the shower step and came down on his chin. There was lots of blood. Robb was at work, so I had to suck up my dread of blood and take care of things. An couple of ice pops later, everything seemed okay. But a few hours later, the bleeding started up again and I was not handling my queasiness well, so Robb came home and patched him him. End of story, right? I wish.

This evening, while playing with brother, he came down on the same spot again and started bleeding some more. Grrrr. More ice. He calmed down. But, only an hour later, while brushing his teeth before bedtime, he fell off the step stool and came down AGAIN on his chin. Six stitches. I suppose it was inevitable. Kid is a trouper though. I've never been so proud.


  1. Oh Jess...that IS a doozie of a day, for Mommy and son both.

  2. Oh Jess...that IS a doozie of a day, for Mommy and son both.
