Friday, December 13, 2013

The Polar Express

2013-12-13 14.10.14
So, trains are pretty much the coolest. If you ask Zeke, this was not his first train ride. He counts the airport tram as a train. Anyhoo.

The views were pretty good, although we had to divert around a herd of caribou, and mysteriously did not spot any. They did serve hot cocoa (to Zeke's delight, it was tepid). And cookies. And Santa came on board and sat down next to each kiddo to have a wee chat. Zeke got shy and had a hard time telling Santa that he wanted a new book for Christmas. Lincoln didn't care. He was only along for the cookies and the attacking mama and dada.

One of the best parts is that we stole Gabby along for the ride, so Zeke was pretty much surrounded by everything he loves best. The most embarrassing part was that they made us all sing The Twelve Days of Christmas on the ride home and somehow our table got stuck with Five Gold Rings. So there you have it.


2013-12-13 14.17.11-1



1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Kind of fun to know now that Zeke is old enough to retain all of these special memories you and Robb are helping him make...
