Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Such concentration.
Fun with gift boxes.
Smiling for Gabrielle.
It amazes me how holidays are so much better with kiddos. I'm usually pretty ambivalent about Valentine's Day, but this year was so much fun. I got some card supplies and stickers for Zeke and we set to work making valentines. I drew some dotted lines and he traced the names over them. He picked out colors and stickers and really took it seriously. What a funny little dude.

Then the day got even better! Valentines from Gabrielle, and more in the mail. Good times. I'm already planning what we'll be doing for Easter.


  1. I can't believe Zeke is already working on his letters...especially so with such precise hand-work. Impressive job, little man!

  2. That's amazing that he traced the lines! I'm so impressed, he really has an artistic eye. Those letters looked amazing!
