Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hungry Honu

Lincoln chills in his bouncy seat while everyone else enjoys solids.

Really, I don't know what sparks an obsession with a two-year-old. Zeke has had this large sea turtle, named Honu, his entire life. And suddenly, this week, Honu has become his new best friend. I mean, Honu has to go in the car with us, sleeps in Zeke's bed and "samples" everything Zeke eats.

The great part of it is that he will do just about anything if you tell him that Honu wants to. This morning he had four bowls of Robb's amazing oatmeal because he was sharing with Honu.

1 comment:

  1. Honu in the high chair is just too cute. And good job for finding a way to utilize Zeke's adoration of his turtle to your advantage.
